aromatherapy massage techniques

Aromatherapy Massage Techniques

Using Massage to Relax and Repair

The following aromatherapy massage techniques form a simple guide to the different types of massage that can be used to ensure you get the best results. Aromatherapy massage is neither complicated nor difficult and can form part of a healing process.

massage12 Always massage with the flow of your body, which is towards your heart. When massaging the abdomen the flow is in a clockwise direction, using circular movements that follow the flow. Be aware of the person whom you are massaging, to ensure that it is a both a comforting and soothing experience, especially where the young and the very old are concerned.

After exercise, massage is a useful way to help the body rid itself of toxins that have built up during muscular activity. As massage helps the body to release the toxins, make sure that you drink plenty of fluids (preferably water) afterwards to wash the toxins through the system, this also helps stop the aches and pains associated with strenuous exercise.

Aromatherapy Massage Techniques  – Types of Massage

Effleurage (Stroking Movements)

This is a series of gentle strokes enabling the essential oils to penetrate the body, helping to bring about a state of calm and relaxation. Use the whole hand to do short or long strokes, these can be firm or gentle depending on how you feel. This type of massage helps to increase circulation, relaxation of the muscles and relieve the body of stress and tension.

Petrissage (Kneading Movements)

Petrissage is gentle kneading movements, like kneading dough. The art of petrissage is never to cause pain or discomfort and should be performed slowly and carefully. It is usually used on the back, muscular and fatty areas, and is good for releasing trapped toxins, relaxing muscles and encouraging the lymphatic system to flow. As you perform each kneading movement put a slight pressure on your thumbs.

Friction (Circular Movements)

Especially beneficial for areas that are cold or of poor circulation. Rub the skin in circular movements with the flat of the hand.

Next we will discuss how these methods can be used on different parts of the body and the benefits.

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